In October release of cigarettes has decreased for 2,2 % to 10 billion pieces
On this Ukra§nskim Novinam has informed a source in the Cabinet.
In comparison with October, 2008, manufacture of cigarettes in October, 2009 was reduced to 12,7 %, or on 1,460 billion pieces.
In January-October, 2009 in comparison with January-October, 2008 release of cigarettes was reduced to 13,6 %, or on 14,952 billion pieces to 95,291 billion pieces.
As reported, in September manufacture of cigarettes has increased in comparison with August by 3,4 %, or on 0,338 billion pieces to 10,264 billion pieces.
In 2008 manufacture of cigarettes in comparison with 2007 has increased by 1 %, or on 1,279 billion pieces to 129,813 billion pieces.
Under the specified data, in 2007 release of cigarettes has made 128,534 billion pieces.
In the Ukrainian market 15 enterprises for release of tobacco products work.
Cigarette stubs will help Englishmen with struggle for ecology
Modern technologies of processing of a waste with filters from cigarettes consult badly. More often after sorting them simply take out on a dump. Modern discoveries allow to send them on a reuse. After stubs of 45 minutes will spend in the chamber of thermal processing where them under a high pressure will process the ferry which temperature of 121 degree, any viruses and bacteria on their surface will be destroyed. After that the remained pure synthetic fibres can be put on use again. Researches have shown that such heater perfectly approaches for premises since it is safe and is not toxic.
The author of this harmless technology of Shon Grajms has told that he has peeped the basic idea at birds who have estimated for a long time already теплоизоляционные properties of stubs, them they most willingly warm the nests.
Philip Morris must pay $ 8 million to the widow of a heavy smoker
The victory may strengthen other lawsuits against the tobacco companies who deliberately manipulated and marketed products designed to addict customers, even if it killed them. Interestingly, many of the historic Big Tobacco (corruption, fraud, bribery, etc.) are now regularly practiced by Big Pharma, which also sells the toxic chemicals that kill people.
Councils for rendering assistance of your teenager far away from cigarettes
1. Roll to play with the fourth through the sixth-grader what to do, if someone offers it cigarettes or other drugs.
2. Ask the seventh after ninth-grader that it or she knows about harm of smoking and the use of drugs and to add to your child of knowledge on this question.
3. Focus on more direct consequences of smoking, such as an unpleasant smell from a mouth; smells, as cigarettes, having accepted boring a skin and hair, and the turned yellow nails and, being not in shape and choked.
4. To continue to encourage the 10-to a 12-go-grader for all positive elections it or it does.
5. Know, who friends of your child and if they to smoke or drink.
6. If your teenager searches for work, to call it apply only on smoking on workplaces.
7. Encourage your teenager to participation in command kinds of sports where your teenager can be more chances to meet friends who do not smoke.
8. Be convinced that your child knows rules (including refusal of smoking) your house, and that you will provide their performance.
Remember: the most important thing to continue struggle against smoking, anti-conversations of drugs in process of growth of the child.
To suggest to make for your teenager one of following actions if it or she feels how smoking at attempt to retire:
1. To pass to walk.
2. Call the friend.
3. To drink water or juice.
4. Make a deep breath and I consider till five years. Let your breath slowly. To repeat five times.
5. Tell to itself: "I can give up smoking".
Electronic cigarettes on sale in Argentina
Electronic cigarettes apparently do not differ from the usual: they are a tube consisting of a battery, a steam generator and replacement cartridges, filled with flavored liquid. The tip of the cigarette is lit during the delay, when the smoker inhales the "smoke" that allows to simulate the process of smoking.
Electronic cigarettes are already sold in many countries around the world, but the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Administration of the Food and Drug Administration USA (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) believe that they, as usual, pose a serious health threat. In the United States and Australia, their sale is prohibited.
According to the Argentine company's developer Oxigen, the main difference between electronic cigarettes, which went on sale in this Latin American country, is that it, unlike banned in the U.S. counterparts, "contains no nicotine or tar, but fluid in the cartridge has aroma of tobacco, mint, strawberry or vanilla.
"It's mainly electronic steam generator", - said spokesman Sebastian Gomez (Sebastian Gomez).
He assured that the new product is absolutely harmless both to the smoker, and for third parties, passed all the necessary checks and received all necessary quality certificates.
He added that the electronic cigarette is not worth considering as a means to help quit smoking.
"This product will not help to quit smoking, but it will help to moderate consumption of cigarettes", - said Gomez.
While electronic cigarettes Argentines can buy online or order by phone, but in November they arrive in the Argentine supermarket counters and drugstores. Price packages, including steam generator, the battery (shelf-life-year) and five replacement filters (each of which will replace up to 50 ordinary cigarettes) is about 270 pesos (about $ 70).
According to the Ministry of Health of Argentina in this South American country smokes about 33% of the adult population, 40 thousand people die from smoking each year, of which 6 thousand - passive smokers. Total live in the country 40.5 million people.
Cigarette smoke increases the risk of leukemia
Tobacco smoke radioactive, it contains Polonium isotopes, bismuth, lead. Last year "free-dose X-rays up to 500! There is evidence that cigarette smoke by changing the reactivity of the immune system, increases the risk of leukemia. 98% of deaths from cancer of the larynx - a smoker, 96% of deaths from lung cancer - among smokers, 75% of chronic bronchitis and emphysema lungs - from smokers and 25% of deaths from coronary heart disease - smokers.
At the same time, Western commentators suggest that the restrictions on the sale of cigarettes to youth, which now exist, are ineffective, even in high-income countries. World Bank believes that the most effective way to distract children from smoking - increase taxes on tobacco. High prices prevent the start of smoking among some children and adolescents are encouraged to reduce consumption of those who already smoke.
But you can give the current youth of rising tobacco. Especially if the presentation is that smoking is fashionable. Of course, the influence of others play a role. What do people think the adults? Parents often reproach the modern film industry, showing smoking in films, the characters, providing a bad example. And while forgetting about their negative impact. Children tend to desire it more likely grow up. Some adopt the adults believed that smoking calms your nerves.
From the viewpoint of psychiatrists there is an element of truth. Smoking - irritation of oral zone, from which a person receives the very first fun in life: to suck the milk and soak. Therefore, smoking, in part, avoids stress. But hardly these techniques are relevant to adolescents.
Yes, and the threat of dying from lung cancer in 40 years, the child seems fantastic, because each child feels immortal. Estimated risk of health often makes smoking attractive. Finally, if adults say preaching against smoking, a sense of protest forcing young people to show defiance.
It seems that this problem is unsolvable. But it is not. Anti company Tehnologii Mondiale Impuls "Clean Air" by the company Epicentrul Impuls already in place in Kishinev. 96% of applicants from a subject after the first treatment, the remaining 4% - with the second.
History of Marlboro Cigarettes
In the 1920s, Marlboro was first advertised as a premium cigarette for women, a milder version of the smokes well dressed men might puff on after dinner. But the brand never took hold, and by the 1950s concerns over the connection between smoking and cancer drove many smokers to filtered brands. Philip Morris didn't have a filtered cigarette, so it scrapped the old campaign in favor of re-launching Marlboro as the company's filtered alternative.
After deciding to introduce filters to the brand, Marlboro executives still had the brand's feminine image to deal with. As Schalch reports, it didn't help that filtered cigarettes were considered softer versions of the real thing, cigarettes for sissies.
The first Marlboro men weren't limited to cowboys. They were all sorts of rugged individuals who smoked their cigarettes while performing equally manly tasks, from fixing their cars to fishing or hunting.
Marlboro's television advertisements in the '60s reflected the idea of freedom in wide-open spaces, especially once the theme from the movie The Magnificent Seven was added to the scenes of cowboys leading their herds through dusty canyons of "Marlboro Country" or charging off to rein in a stray colt.
Part of the success of the campaign might be attributable to the fact that Marlboro forged some credibility by using real cowboys in some of the ads instead of actors just playing the part.
The image took hold with enough force that even through a ban on televised tobacco advertisements that began in 1971, the Marlboro Man survived unharmed. Instead of riding off into the sunset, the image turned up in print ads and on billboards all over the country.